
c64g.com will have to decide cookie wall or donation based

posted 9 months ago by dalu

For now c64g.com has been a C64 game repository since 2005. It has been paying its bills, and often not having enough earnings to pay the bills, via Google Adsense advertising.

Especially in the recent years, when it got demoted from the number 1 search result position by some no effort wiki the ad earnings were not enough to pay the ~50€ / month server cost. Those ~50€/month are also just the server cost. The effort to develop this site is not calculated there, which is why I haven’t worked on this site at all. People still have no way to write descriptions, upload games, upload images or videos.

I hate nag screens. I hate cookie walls. But if I don’t put them on this site, Google will not display ads for visitors from the EU (EEA) or the UK.

So instead of ads, I will have to display banners begging for donations. I doubt it will change anything.

adsense gdpr notice

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